2015: Ready…Set…Go!

For the calendar year of 2015, there is a formula that you need to run this race. Ready.          Set.            Go.


Ready- “You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected.” (Matthew 24:44)

Set (set apart)- “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.”( 2 Cor 6:17)

Go- “And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ (Matt 10:7)

So BE READY. Be SET APART…and GO and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. ALWAYS stand for TRUTH, because the Kingdom of God is at hand!!!


In His Service,
~Prophet Chanda Kea

Prophetic Word: October 2014


“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” (1 Pet 5:8, NKJV)

                    Be Sober, Be Vigilant!

*Sober-quiet, calm, composed. Free from excess, unrestrained from actions or opinions; self control. Sane or rational; reasonable, sound.

*Vigilant- keenly watchful to detect danger; ever awake and alert.

Many are coming into a new place of authority and satan is disturbed about it. Know that he wants to destroy you.  He cannot change the will of God concerning you, but he will try every which way he can to delay you. Stay well balanced mentally, physically and spiritually so that he has no way in. Be sober, be vigilant!


                      USE YOUR VOICE!!!!

1. Express your choice or opinion. Don’t be a pushover.

2. Express yourself by speaking or in written words.

3. DECLARE & DECREE in this season, and it shall be established (Job 22:28)

4. When the Lord instructs you to speak something, be obedient and say it.


                     Unwrap your gifts

Some of us have been given many gifts from the Lord that we do not utilize. During the remainder of the calendar year and into early 2015 people of God will see many begin to step out on faith and start exercising creative arts giftings,and to pursue the desires of their hearts. It’s time to no longer sit on gifts and talents. Release fear and doubt so that God can be glorified in your vessel. YES, you still have time to live out those dreams!

No matter how things make look or feel, know that Jesus loves you! Be sober, be vigilant. Use your voice. Unwrap your gifts!

In His Service,
~Prophet Chanda Kea

Prophetic Word: September 2014


An Open Door

This open door may look like multiple doors, but it is a single door that no man can shut. Several doors will be presented to you but seek God for clarity on which one that He himself opened.

September is here and it’s nearly time for the fall season! I had a vision of leaves blowing in a whirlwind…


….and people being healed in their bodies and their minds. Hearts were being mended. This supernatural healing left doctors and physicians clueless to how it happened. They will be witnesses to the healing power of Jesus, and know that God is God!

Abrupt Changes

Very sudden changes that you may not be prepared for, but will have to quickly adjust to will happen this month. These changes will be “set in stone”. A particular situation that has required extra attention will begin to “fall in place”. While these things are being established you must now accept things and people for who and what they really are. The Lord will show you specific relationships that call for immediate disconnection.


The Coming Harvest & The Gathering

Matthew 13:24-30.  “Here is another story Jesus told: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a farmer who planted good seed in his field. But that night as the workers slept, his enemy came and planted weeds among the wheat, then slipped away. When the crop began to grow and produce grain, the weeds also grew.

“The farmer’s workers went to him and said, ‘Sir, the field where you planted that good seed is full of weeds! Where did they come from?’

“‘An enemy has done this!’ the farmer exclaimed.

“‘Should we pull out the weeds?’ they asked.

“‘No,’ he replied, ‘you’ll uproot the wheat if you do. Let both grow together until the harvest. Then I will tell the harvesters to sort out the weeds, tie them into bundles, and burn them, and to put the wheat in the barn.’”

There is a seperation happening in the body of Christ. This seperation is not just between saint and sinner, but the true and the false. This dividing will be a “setting aside” of God’s remnant. They have been growing and are now being gathered for preservation.

God’s chosen people will begin to set up meeting rooms on social media as well as in buildings and homes. These gathering places will serve as a spiritual hub for those who hunger and thirst for righteousness and truth.



As it was with John the Baptist, when we become “the voice crying out in the wilderness, saying repent, the Kingdom of God is at hand!”, many ears shall be opened.

These souls in turn will be led into these gathering places and their perception of deception will be made clear even the more through the Holy Spirit. Their hearing will no longer be dulled and their discernment will sharpen. There is a sound like no other they will identify with, and another they will not follow (John 10:27)

Current World Events

Before the month of September ends, I encourage you to watch the “Left Behind” series.


If this will your first time viewing it, your eyes will be enlightened. If you have seen it before, more revelation will unfold.

Gog & Magog have significant meaning to our present time in this movie.

Ezekiel chapter 38 will give insight to what is currently taking place in Russia. The word of God is ve fufilled in this present day. Also, it’s not a coincidence that this movie is being remade in 2014 with the possibility of the truth being altered. The Lord will not have us ignorant of the enemy’s devices! Discernment is key is this hour.

As always, continue to pray and intercede for our nation. If you do not believe in the true and living God, and have not professed Jesus as your Lord and Savior, the time is NOW! Don’t get left behind! Repent, and receive Him into your heart. The Kingdom of God is at hand!!!

Put Away Childish Things!


Have you really grown up or are you mentally still a child?

A. Child
     1. Asks what needs to be done
     2. Is always told what to do

B. Grown up
     1. Does what needs to be done
     2. Does not need constant supervision

1 Cor 13:11 says “When I was a child I talked like a child, I reasoned like a child; now that I have become a man I put away childish things.”

Ask yourself TODAY, have I really put away childish things?


I was reflecting on one my children this morning who had me real frustrated with the way they act sometimes, and God dealt with me and said to not expect to much out of them. I was being a little overbearing. I had remember they are still a child!


Does someone have to tell you to clean up behind yourself? Do you have to be told you need to get a job? Does someone have to tell you to brush your teeth or take a shower? Do you have to be told to stop being greedy and don’t exercise self control? If you are a grown man or woman and someone has to tell you these things you are NOT a man/woman you are a CHILD!!!

If you say that you love God and live for Him, do you have to be told to read your Word? To pray? Are you able to operate effectively in ministry without always being told what to do and how things are supposed to be done? If not you still have some child in you!


We are all to have child like FAITH but not conduct ourselves as a child. A child needs to be constantly reassured…to be taken care of….to be given a pacifier…

Some of us are NOT there yet. We want to be but you must go through the process of being properly mentored/parented or you will end up being a child in a grown persons body!!!

We NEVER stop learning, but we must stop being CHILDISH! Everything is NOT about you! Stop pouting! Stop looking for attention! Stop needing validation! Everything you need is found in JESUS!

August 2014: A Gust of Wind


The month of August will be filled with many peculiar encounters. Change is in the air! There will be many wonders happening in the air!!! We will hear of hurricanes, twisters (tornadoes), sand storms and odd weather patterns. Pray without ceasing for our nation!

God is releasing a Gust of Wind that will propel you into what’s coming in the next season of your life! This is a time of refreshing, and a push for you to step out on faith!


Divine Connections
The Lord is bringing several divine connections that will play key parts in what is unfolding concerning Kingdom assignments. You will know who these people are without having to be told or get confirmation. Get ready for new business endeavors and positions of authority. Everything that does not line up with the will of God concerning you will be moved out of the way!

Necessary Adjustments
Put things in proper position and order. Desired change requires change. Work smarter not harder. Don’t allow people on your personal space so that you will stay balanced. Otherwise you will feel weighed down.

Provision for the Harvest
“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. ” (Luke 10:2)

New ideas, strategies and revelation will be released to prepare you for you to be sent out. He is making things fresh and new!

Full Circle
A season similiar to an effective time in your life in the past is coming back around again but has been “tweeted”.  It is very familiar in the natural but different in character. Restoration is taking place. Minds are being renewed! You have been through a time of suffering and now beginning to be established, settled and strengthened. (1 Pet 5:10) Be mindful that the enemy is also attempting a few of the same past attacks. Because you have seen it before you are ahead of him. Watch and pray!


Your desired change requires change! A Gust of Wind is ahead!!!

The Upside Down Kingdom!

We are living in perilous times! The world is leaning to their own understanding of what it is to be a follower of Jesus Christ and a life of holiness. God has been placed in a box to be sought out only when needed. People are building ministries UPSIDE DOWN!


What is an “Upside Down” kingdom?

God is NOT the author of confusion! The Word of God is being altered, shortened and lengthened! Sadly, those who are doing this shall have no place in the TRUE Kingdom -the Kingdom of Heaven (Deut 4:2; Rev. 22:19).

What’s right is not always popular, and what’s popular is not always right! And when something is not in order then that means it’s twisted and perverted! Man is so busy building their kingdoms they without a true covenant relationship with the Father. They are in operation of a spirit of perversion and a spirit of error.

In the natural, when we stay upside down to long, the blood rushes to our head and cannot properly flow throughout the body. Food for thought!

How do I know if I am a part of an “upside down” ministry?


1. Prophecy for money.
The gospel is free. We should not have to pay for someone to see spiritually into our lives. That’s called a psychic.

2. Homosexuality is okay.  Isaiah 5:20 says  “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”

If a ministry believes that homosexuality is okay and those that are against it are evil, that is an upside down kingdom!

3. No apostles and prophets in the church. Ephesians 2:20 tells us, “You are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Christ Jesus Himself the chief Cornerstone.” And there is only one chief-Jesus!!!!

4. Speaking in tongues is “taught”. No one can teach someone to speak in tongues. It is the Holy Spirit that gives utterance (Acts 2:4)

5. Coffee shops. This is supposed to be the Lord’s house and NOT a lounge or a marketplace! 

6. Dimming of lights & smoke during service in the sanctuary. We are suppose to be at a concert right? Oh yeah, its worship service!!!

7. Easter egg hunts, Trick or treats on Halloween, Christmas trees. These are all pagan practices. Please research the origins of them!

8. Yoga classes. Yoga is Hindu practice that opens a person up to many ungodly things. If you or a ministry you are connected to are taking part in this and you say you are a Christian, you are in error! To find out why, go here —>. The Truth About Yoga

8. No altars or altar calls. Really no altars? I’m not only talking about altars calls. I’m speaking of not having an altar at all as a part of worship service. The Lord tells us this is our reasonable service (Romans 12:1)!!!

In Hebrew, an altar means a place of slaughter or sacrifice. So when something or someone is presented at an altar, a death takes place. It’s where we burn up the desires of the flesh. It’s where people repent and also receive salvation.


This list could go on and on! Our people are perishing for the lack of knowledge! We must pray for our world and our country that many will repent and come into the knowledge and truth of what it is to be a follower of Christ! Knowing the Word of God for ourselves will show us how to live in truth. Remnant, it’s time to turn things right side up!!!!!

Choose NOW!

“I call Heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, so that you and you and your children may live.” -Deuteronomy 30:19

The word “against” jumped off of the page at me. The word against in this context means “in preparation for.”

In this scripture, Moses was preparing the Israelites by prompting them to decide to come into a covenant relationship with God so that the may be preserved. He urged them to choose NOW!

Today, many are worshipping the Lord in spirit but NOT in truth.  They have a form of godliness, but do not know what it is to live in the fullness of who

Continue reading Choose NOW!

Do Not Feed the Coyotes!

I dont expect for everyone to get what i am about to say because the Lord speaks to me through His own unique way, and also being that I am a FORERUNNER some will not catch on until later on down the line which is okay, but I was compelled to post this after 3 incidents happened in the last 3 days:

#1 my 3 yr old prophet son & I were watching Benji (yes that’s old school lol) and there was a fox in the movie in the woods and he kept yelling “it’s a coyote!”

#2 my prophet friend Monetcielle Carter posted sightings last night of pictures of coyotes

#3 This morning another encounter happened with a coyote on the news:


These events quickened me to do some research the Coyote, and I found a few inreresting facts:

1. It’s derived from the Náhuatl word coyoti, meaning “trickster”.

2. It’s closest relative is the gray wolf

3. They reproduce in metropolitan areas

4. They primarily hunt in pairs

5. Coyotes will sometimes mate with domestic dogs usually in area such as Texas and Oklahoma…and also occasionally mate with wolves

 6. Do NOT feed coyotes. Coyote attacks on humans are rare but have been increasingly frequent, especially in the state of California

(facts taken from Wikipedia)


I’m hearing God speaking through this and saying DO NOT FEED THE COYOTES!!!

My God stop running all over the place eating from everyone’s table!! Are they being sanity when they prepare the meal? Do they even LIVE sanitary? Is their life beyond the social media posts pure and HOLY? Gifts are given without repentance, so there are many who know how to speak eloquently to scratch the itching ears. Ok let me just say it how it is. STOP running to every internet page AMEN-ing everything that sounds profound!!! Too many people all over the place from this place to that place, ALL DAY LONG page saying “Amen”, “oh confirmation!” “Yes Lord I receive it!” Really?! If you are that ITCHY for a word from God then you need some OIL!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are not hearing from God for yourself because you wont BE STILL!!!! Stop feeding the COYOTES!!! They are DECEIVING you!!! Geez! DISCERNMENT people of God!!!

There are predators and TRICKSTERS roaming the land! Be mindful they are traveling in 2 ‘s and also packs of 6. We are living in time when even many of the ELECT will be deceived!!!

The enemy goes to and fro seeking whom he may devour!!!! I have to stress again that CONNECTIONS are vital in this season!!!! Be careful who you are letting feed you, and who you are feeding! These “tricksters” will appear to be COY- which means they will seem humble, modest, & reserved. WATCH & PRAY. Many are RELIGIOUS and HYPOCRITES!

Every person and every ministry is NOT ordained by God!!! And everyone is not serving in the Kingdom with the right heart and motives!!!! You will know them by their fruit!!!!

The Weight of Authority


There is a weight that comes with authority. But only when we don’t release it. We have been given dominion by God over every living creature that moves on the earth (Gen 1:28). But when we do not exercise that authority, it becomes a weight.

Because we were created in His image and likeness, we all have our own personal cross to  bear.When Jesus was carrying His cross to  be crucified, because it was the will of God for Him to die for our sins,He held onto his authority in the earth.  Because of this the enemy was able to weigh in on him and cause pain in His flesh.

If you are feeling an ongoing weight of spiritual warfare or a testing of your faith and it seems unbearable, then you are still not releasing your authority. What does the Word of God say about what you are faced with?  SPEAK to your situation and RELEASE YOUR AUTHORITY! When we walk in our dominion, we are untouchable and unstoppable!

Just as it was for Jesus, your cross (authority) is a key that gives you access to the Father. And when you know how to properly carry and delegate it, you will truly live in the fullness of Christ, and your burdens will be light! You will have peace that surpasses all understanding.





A doorway to truth by decoding, clarifying and identifying the fundamentals of Kingdom living by an authorative avenue